We believe in complete transparency with our clients and in the absence of any custom arrangement we might reach, the fee for delivery of our fully-integrated wealth management services is based on the assets under management by our firm.   We earn zero additional compensation beyond the schedule below from any activity or other arrangements arising from your relationship with us.

A full discussion of our fee structure can be found in Garrison Murphy Wealth Management’s current written disclosure statement discussing business operations, services, and fees which is available on the SEC’s website at http://adviserinfo.sec.gov or you may contact us to request a copy.

We believe in complete transparency with our clients and in the absence of any custom arrangement we might reach, the fee for delivery of our fully-integrated wealth management services is based on the assets under management by our firm.   We earn zero additional compensation beyond the schedule below from any activity or other arrangements arising from your relationship with us.

A full discussion of our fee structure can be found in Garrison Murphy Wealth Management’s current written disclosure statement discussing business operations, services, and fees which is available on the SEC’s website at http://adviserinfo.sec.gov or you may contact us to request a copy.

Assets Under Management          

    Up to $4,999,999  

    Over $5,000,000    

Annual Fee

